Thursday, August 18, 2016

Great Team work by SNEHASTHAALU On August15th

Hi Friends,

Independence Day greetings from SnehaHasthaalu & Happy RakshaBandhan to all those loving brothers & sisters who are sharing their fortunes with less fortuned people through SnehaHasthaalu. Together we are making a big positive impact on many Young Minds and  nurturing their hearts with Joy of sharing.

With great Support from our friends network, our SnehaHasthaalu executed various initiatives on AUGUST 15th and brought happiness onto faces ofmany Rural students.

Here is the activities Summary:

1. 50 bicyles distributed for High School Girl students (Who are studying 6th,7th classes && orphan/semi orphan students from poor families and walks more than 2km a day for schooling ) @ 7 High Schools

2.  Arranged Tri-cycle for a special needed child at one of our adopted government school(even though he can’t do things on his own, He got 95% attendance).

3. Celebrated August 15th @ our Tribal School ,which we built and running from last year with FSF finance support.

4. Adopted 4 KM road and started Tree plantation & Protection program with 4000 plants , @ cost of 100/- per plant per year. This road covers 3 villages and Sarpanches of these 3 villages came forward to extend their support for this noble cause.

5. Organized Drawing and Essay writing competition @ 50 adopted schools for 4th to 6th class kids and arranged prizes. 

Once Again Thank you one & All for your continuous Support and looking forward for the same. Have a Great Time.